Thursday, March 8, 2012

Website Videos

                      Advantages of Video on Your Website

We all are aware that Internet marketing is big in today’s business world and in every industry.
From websites being used as an online brochure to social media connecting people all over the world to just the plain old Internet used by salesmen  to generate leads, the Internet has became a vital part of business promotion and sales. The Internet has and continues to grow rapidly.  It has determined not only how customers search for businesses but how we make purchases as well.  A portion of business advertising budgets are certainly allocated to Internet marketing. 

One of the biggest expenses when it comes to internet marketing is search engine optimization.  It is the most expensive part of internet advertising because most people don’t understand it.  This monthly expense can add up to thousands of dollars just to get seen on search engines like Google, Yahoo and AOL.  When a customer looks up for example, venetian blinds, and gets 3,470,000 responses, it is overwhelming.  Where is your company website in all that? 
We are certainly not knocking search engine optimization from an exposure standpoint because it is needed.  However, even with great search engine exposure, or for those who go directly to your site, or for customers who may stumble upon your website, there are so many other sites available to visit it is still overwhelming.  You need an advantage.   You need an advantage to optimize your search engine exposure, then to engage, captivate and communicate clearly with potential clients once they are on your website. 
That’s where video comes in. 

Having a video on your business website is 50% more likely to appear on Google’s first page results.  Video and search engine optimization work hand in hand as a very powerful combination.

You may have spent hours writing great content for your website but only a small percentage of visitors will read every word.  Most people skim the content to find what they are looking for and if they don’t see it immediately, back to Google they go.
That’s why once they are on your site you need that advantage to keep them there longer.

Research has shown 55% of people that visit your website will stay on your site more than double the time if you have a video.  Videos are the optimal way to assure that your potential clients are receiving the full intended message.  Having a library of videos on your site is even more powerful because if you have a multitude of products or services and there is a video for each, the potential customer can easily find the product they are looking for.  
Videos allow you to talk to specific demographics and explain the advantages and benefits directed specifically to them.   Because most people have such short attention spans these days, research also shows the most watched videos are 1 ½ minutes long or less.   So, an effective script writer and teleprompter is priceless.  
Research shows one of the biggest influences you can have on a potential customers is a professionally done testimonial video on your website.  31% of people that visit your site will purchase your product or service if you have a testimonial video.  These testimonial videos must be real and authentic.  Testimonials build trust in your product or service and if done correctly should relate to what the customer is looking for and to situations where your products and services are needed. 

Videos also educate your customers about each aspect of your business.  They get a realistic feel about your customer service, staff, each department, each product and or service.  They will be privy to seeing your office before they go to your office and see your operations in action, up close and personal.  They will feel more comfortable, knowledgeable and familiar with your company.

Finally, here are the stats: 68% of the top internet retailers use video on their website.  30% of people visit your physical store, 24% make a purchase as a result of watching the video.  Video on you website will produce 20% more inbound calls. 29% of video viewers request more information about your product or service.
You need that advantage.

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